Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wedding Remnants

This bucket has been sitting on a table in the basement since March. It is the last visible evidence that we had a wedding this winter. I am waiting for my kids to go through it and decide what to keep. Doesn't exactly look like wedding attire, but it was. 
Gwen and Joel wanted a photo booth at the wedding. So, on November 1st (think post-holiday) we scavenged the Halloween stores for all things photo booth-ish. Hats, boas, Harry Potter glasses, they all made it into the bucket. All were purchased at 50-75% off. Cheap. 

And here's the proof that it was worth the effort.

(My youngest in his element. My oldest and some of his sisters, incognito)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Guest Post

Wow, what an honor to be asked to share on one of my favorite blogs, Design Mom. Gabrielle Blair, the awesome mom who writes the blog, is currently doing a series I wrote on frugal weddings.

I met Gabrielle through my daughter-in-law, Gwen. The two of them are partners at Kirtsy. Gwen gets the credit for getting things moving on the guest blog (without my kids I probably would not even be ON THE WEB!), and it was fun sharing some of what I have learned over the years. 

So please let me know what you think of the series over there... AND I am looking forward to sharing a new series with you HERE in a few weeks. (I'll keep you in suspense for a bit though!!).

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wedding Planner

Looking for a good book to help with wedding planning? Here's my favorite, for good reason.

Real Simple Weddings is full of practical, clearly presented ideas. It's logically presented, and includes great organizing tools. It has just enough pretty photos to fill our "pretty photo" need while being free of too much "fluff". It's the only one I recommend... Real Simple.